There are many different ways for you and your family to get connected at Crossridge.
KIDSThe CRKids programs meet during both Sunday morning gatherings. We have several rooms designed to meet the needs of specific age groups.
YOUNG ADULTSCrossridge young adults provides a space to grow in community with others, ages 19-26(ish).
NORTH OF 50Our North of 50 group meets monthly for dinners, outings, and other social gatherings!
STUDENTSCRStudents exist to provide a fun and engaging environment in which students can come to know Jesus Christ and grow spiritually in him.
MEN'S MINISTRYWe have weekly and monthly activities for the men of Crossridge.
WOMEN'S MINISTRYCrossridge women meet for weekly and monthly events to facilitate community and deep connection with Jesus.
We have many opportunities at Crossridge to serve and would love to connect with you more about where you can plug in!